Master 64Ti

sample graphic-Falcon

sample graphic-Rikulau

sample graphic-Falcon
6Al-4V titanium and its sibling 3Al-2.5V titanium alloy have many similarities, including density, strength, corrosion resistance, durability, comfort, and…”good looking”. The major difference, however, is tensile strength.
Master系列鈦合金車架的設計是以競賽為主要訴求。因此,車架剛性以及穩定性就成了最主要的考量點。Master的整體設計彌補了一般鈦合金車架最受詬病的側向剛性不足的問題。對於競賽型的騎士而言,Master Ti64是個戰力十足的坐騎。
The design of Master series titanium frame emphasizes “Racing”. Therefore, stiffness and stability were the factors of concern.
The design in the Master series solved the problem of lack of stiffness commonly found on titanium frames. Master Ti64 is a bike with power and speed.
Integrated head tube for 1 1/8” - 1 1/4” fork steerer
Tubing: Rikulau Seamless 6Al-4V Butted Titanium Tubeset
Top tube: 34.9 mm x 0.8/0.7/0.85 mm
Seat tube: 34.9 mm x 0.8 mm
Down tube: 42 mm x 1.15/0.9/1.0 mm
Seat stay: 16 x 0.9 mm (3Al-2.5V titanium)
Chain stay: 25.4 x 0.9 mm (3Al-2.5V titanium)
365 mm fork length; 43 mm rake
31.6 mm seat post
※ Note: Rikulau reserves the right to replace components with those of equal or higher value.