Master V9

「火神」超級不鏽鋼管是以美國不鏽鋼材料大廠卡本特公司的專利C465 材料為基礎所開發的無縫管材。C465 是麻田散鐵系不鏽鋼,可以透過時效熱處理提高材料強度,目前已經大量運用在航太以及國防工業。
Vulcan is a seamless tubing based on C465 stainless steel developed and patented by Carpenter, USA .
It is a martensitic alloy that can be age-hardened through proper choice of heat treatment condition to enhance strength. It is now widely applied in the
aeronautical and military industries.
V9 road frame stiffness was enhanced by an increase of down tube diameter. It is the stiffest frame among all Rikulau products. V9 road frame is a race warrior. It is not a product for everyone.

※ Note: All measurements in millimeter (mm) except angle (degrees) and weight (grams)
Integrated head tube for 1 1/8-1 1/4” fork steerer
Tubing: Rikulau Vulcan V-9 stainless steel
Top tube: 30.0 mm x 0.6/0.45/0.6/0.7 mm
Seat tube: 31.8 mm x 0.7/0.4/0.7 mm
Down tube: 36.4 mm x 0.65/0.45/0.65/0.7 mm
Seat stay: 16 x 0.55 mm
Chain stay: 24 x 0.7/0.5/0.7 mm
365 mm fork length; 43 mm rake
27.2 mm seat post
※ Note: Rikulau reserves the right to replace components with those of equal or higher value.